This generation of children are suffering from diseases formerly believed to only effect the elderly. They are the first generation to have a life expectancy lower than their parents.
Type II diabetes, formerly known as “Adult onset diabetes”, and even osteoarthritis were diseases believed to only effect geriatric patients. Today both of these on a rapid rise in children.
Not everywhere provides food, but if a daycare does provide food, it needs to follow the highest standards possible (See the sample menu below).
Food is a controversial subject: No matter what the opinion is, we choose the best quality food, that is partly what earned us national recognition of our program. There is no excuse for every operation in the country to NOT follow our standards. It is easy, more profitable, and even saves money for everyone involved. Most importantly it allows us to put kid’s best interests first, the much talked-about fiduciary duty of Green Village Daycare.
(Please note, while we are famous for food, not every one of our locations offers food services as it can be cumbersome in certain situations, specifically with how government will conducing licensing for certain facilities differently.)
How is it easier:
- By sticking to in season, locally grown, organic and/or non-GMO ingredients, it limits what you can serve and simplifies meal time greatly.
How it makes programs money:
- By serving great food it attracts health conscious parents and their kids, giving programs a competitive advantage over daycares who do not make good food choices. Those fill up programs and keep educators employed.
- Additionally, it forces programs to prepare their own foods and therefore get reimbursement from certain state governments.
- The programs who get reimbursements from food they serve from their own gardens are earning extra money feeding and educating the children about food.
- It improves retention of students.
How it saves programs money:
Kids fed a healthy diet tend to be easier (because they are healthier) and it keeps teacher retention higher.
- Healthy kids spread less disease, keeping attendance, and tuition current.
- Fresh food, home-made, is significantly cheaper than pre-prepared meals. When meal-prep is included in the curriculum then children are educated while you save money keeping them healthy.
- You do not have to spend money marketing or advertising your program. Your program advertises itself as parents share your menu with other people.
- It also saves parents money as healthy children don’t force parents to stay home from work.
The Clean Eating Principal – Meals and Snacks:
Quote from the contract:
We feed your children, there is no need to bring anything. Matter-of-fact, don’t bring anything unless your child has a very special diet. Our guiding principal of honoring our fiduciary duty also manifests in what we feed your children. This means food must be:
– Organic when available from non genetically modified organisms: These are controversial topics. Everyone has a different standard. We choose the highest standard.
– Local food when available: It is our opinion that the epigenetics of organisms express best when consuming food from the same environment. When possible we use locally grown food or food we grow ourselves. It is also our opinion that supporting local sustainable agriculture is good for everyone.
–In season vegetables when possible: Food eaten out of season needs to be shipped long distances and picked before proper ripeness. Not only is this unsustainable but unripe food may be slightly toxic. The exception to this rule is if the food was picked at the proper ripeness then frozen, dried, or canned; as is the case with frozen strawberries, rice & beans, and pickles, respectively.
– Vegetarian: Beyond ethical considerations, to prevent the spread of disease we do not prepare or serve meat products on our property. Additionally it is difficult to source affordable and high-quality meat products.
– Giving everything needed for survival: It is our opinion that we need to provide all essential amino acids (building blocks from proteins), essential fats (fats our bodies cannot produce), and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) for your child to survive and thrive even if they aren’t fed any food at all at home. For example, we use mineral salt with everything in it and even fortify certain ingredients that have been stripped of their nutrition, like flour from iron and B vitamins.
From the founders,
Rubria & Adrian Abascal
This is a base food menu; it will vary greatly depending on what’s in season and what’s fresh and available. We use a variety of ingredients, including gluten containing foods and foods containing nuts and seeds so please notify us of any allergies. We will try and accommodate food restrictions as best as possible, but we may need your help and require that you bring food for your child.
Blue egg bean and cheese taco (breakfast)
Homemade non-GMO blue corn tortillas with Organic pastured scrambled eggs cooked with imported grass fed Irish butter and a splash of Organic milk. Topped with home canned Organic pinto beans and a garnish of hormone free, antibiotic free mozzarella cheese. Meal fortified with mineral salt (Real Salt).
Oatmeal and fresh seasonal fruit (breakfast)
Steel cut Organic oatmeal slow cooked with imported grass-fed Irish butter and served with a splash of fresh Organic milk and a dash of cinnamon and Organic vanilla extract. Fruits are Organic and whatever is in season.
Homemade oatmeal banana bars (breakfast)
Cooked Organic steal cut oats mixed with ripe Organic bananas and baked into a simple two-ingredient breakfast bar.
Buckwheat porridge(breakfast)
Organic buckwheat grouts are slow cooked in Organic milk and served with a dash of cinnamon, they are fortified with mineral salt (real salt).
Buttered toast and scrambled eggs (breakfast)
Dave’s Organic 5 grain bread that has been toasted and buttered with imported grass fed Iris butter. Served on top are Organic pastured scrambled eggs cooked with the same butter and a splash of Organic milk and fortified with mineral salt (Real Salt).
Chickpeas and Fresh Mozzarella
Home-canned Organic chickpeas served with chunks of hormone-free and antibiotic-free fresh mozzarella cheese and fortified with mineral salt (Real Salt) and drizzled with brain-feeding medium chain triglyceride rich Organic cold pressed Coconut oil.
Avocado and bean tacos
Avocado chunks (if ripe) are tossed with silky home-canned Organic Lima beans and hormone-free antibiotic-free mozzarella cheese. The mixture is served on top a home-made non-GMO corn tortillas.
Rice and veggies
Simple lunch of fresh pressure-cooked Organic Rice fortified with brain-feeding medium chain triglyceride rich Organic cold pressed Coconut oil. Onto are served steam-softened Organic veggies like carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, or whatever else is in season. Finally, the dish is topped with imported grass-fed Irish butter and fortified with mineral salt (Real Salt).
Hummus and chips
Organic non-GMO chickpeas, Organic Tahini, Organic sunflower oil, Organic Lemon Juice, Organic garlic, Organic cumin, and Organic non-GMO baked pita chips (Stacy’s brand)
Rice and black beans
Organic Rice pressure cooked with brain-feeding medium chain triglyceride rich Organic cold pressed Coconut oil and fortified with mineral salt (real salt) served with a topping of home-canned Organic black beans with chunks of avocado (if ripe).
Banana and puffs
Organic sliced bananas with a dash of cinnamon, and a hand full of Organic Puffs, sugar free.
Homemade food pouch
Homemade and Organic fruit and vegetable-based puree fortified with 1/5th the adult dose of vitamin B12 and mineral salts (Real Salt). A 5oz. BPA free food pouch is filled with the puree and made ready for snack time!
Home-Canned Beans
Pinto, black, garbanzo, and lima beans make great simple snacks with lots of protein. They are canned here at home in our pressure cooker and are 100% Organic.
Dehydrated fruit
Organic fruits dehydrated in our own dehydration unit. No added sugar!
Peanut Butter and Yogurt Toast
A thin layer of Organic peanut butter is spread on Dave’s Organic
5 grain bread along with a smear of home-made Organic Yogurt. Cut in strips for
easy snacking.