The original daycare, Green Monkey Daycare, is still serving families and their children!
Location: 10558 Bilbrook Pl, ATX 78748
Hours: 8AM to 5PM M-F
Price: $250/w for infants -18m, $250 for toddlers +18
Enrollment is currently full but we are allowing tours after-hours for parents interested in enrolling at future locations, and for those wanting to get onto our wait list. Because openings only happen a few times a year, we do not charge to get onto the wait list.
To be contacted for a tour, please fill out the interest form here:
Application Form (opens in new tab)
About our Facilities:
- An outdoor garden for growing food, eating fresh food, and learning about where food comes from.
Outdoor large muscle development structures, such as the "Monkey Dome" and the "Food Truck Slides"
- Access from our property to Mary Moore Searight park, 350 acres of exploring.
- Eco-healthy Child Care certification, which is a 3rd party that certifies us as a non-toxic daycare.
- Green Monkey Daycare was originally named after our son, who was born in the year of the Monkey (2016) and is "green" because of our values of a sustainable, non-toxic, plant-based, and Organic lifestyle.
About us:
Rubria Abascal - Director & Founder
Formally trained in music education from Texas Tech University, Rubria has been educating children professionally since 2009. Unable to find a Daycare that matched her values, in 2017 she formed Green Monkey Daycare which became an instant success.
Inspired by educators like Dr. Emmi Pikler and Magda Gerber, Rubria went on for advanced training to incorporate those paradigms of education into her program.
Adrian Abascal - Paperwork Monkey
Adrian is a med-school graduate from Texas Health and Science University and holds a license from the Texas Medical Board as an Acupuncture and Botanical medicine specialist.
Adrian joined up with Rubria in 2018 to help build the program and integrate paradigms of modern medical science and health into the program's philosophy.
Something interesting about Adrian: He wrote a book about drug free injury recovery for parents, coaches, and hobbyists, called "The Rapid Recovery Resource" (Available on Amazon)
Creating a Green Village Daycare
Rubria and Adrian quickly realized that their approach to care can make a huge difference to children's (and adult's) lives, but having the reach of a few handfuls of families was not enough to change the world.
Broadening their vision, they created Green Village Daycare, as a village of individually owned daycare operations who share the same core values, and can benefit from marketing under the same umbrella and sharing the costs for business services without being just another big-box McDaycare.
Future daycare directors can get trained in their program and open up locations with step-by-step assistance, at a fraction of the price. Contact them to apply.