Updated COVID-19 edition.

This FREE E-book includes:
- An insider's look about the secrets of the daycare industry
- How large corporate daycare centers squeeze families for more money
- Why daycares are named everything from "preschool" to "Montessori" and why it usually means nothing
- How to decide on the perfect daycare for you
- Over a dozen hidden fees that daycares use to make more money
- Questions to ask to get honest answers
- Stories and reasoning behind the most important questions to ask
Sending your child to a daycare can have a powerful influence on a child's behavior at home, and can influence their personality and temperament for the rest of their lives. Finding the right daycare is not a decision to take lightly.
This little booklet was written by a university-trained educator & daycare owner with her husband, a licensed medical practitioner. This booklet is chock full of useful content for a parent's search for the perfect daycare.
Bonus content:
- How to calculate what is a "fair" price for daycare
- How to avoid "horror stories" using one simple technique
- What to do if you cannot afford daycare
- If you can't find the daycare you want, when it is time to create it!
With the world thrown upside down from the COVID-19 pandemic, parents need tools, now more than ever, for how to find the safest program for our children.